Description: EBRPD LANDSEbrparkp - Polygon file, displays lands owned, operated, or leased by EBRPD (by parcel).Ebrparkm - Polygon file, displays merged parcels, dissolved by park and seperated by Parkland vs Landbank.Ebrparkl- Line file can be used to display boundary outlines.* Park_bound = yes (Shows current boundary of each park but DOES NOT distinguish between landbank and parkland)* Internal= no (Shows current park boundaries and DOES distinguish between landbank and parkland)EBRPD EASEMENTSEasements_p - Polygon file, displays easements to and from EBRPD and other groups.Easements_l - Line file, displays easements to and from EBRPD and other groups.Seismic_Mtrs - Point file, lease and location info related to Seismic Meters.PROPOSED PARKLANDS AND EASEMENTSProposed data files are located here: O:\GIS\Land\Reference_Data\Land_Proposed.gdb* proparkp - Proposed park polygons (adjusted to match existing Ebrparkp boundaries)* proparkl- Proposed park lines * prop_easement_l - Proposed easement lines* prop_easement_p - Proposed easment polygons