require(["esri/basemaps"], function(esriBasemaps) { /* code goes here */ });
, which is deprecated as of v3.12.
To view documentation for the baseLayers property of each basemap object, see the BasemapLayer class.
require([ "esri/basemaps", "esri/map", "dojo/domReady!" ], function (esriBasemaps, Map){ esriBasemaps.delorme = { baseMapLayers: [{url: ""} ], thumbnailUrl: "", title: "Delorme" }; var map = new Map("ui-map", { basemap: "delorme", center: [-111.879655861, 40.571338776], // long, lat zoom: 13, sliderStyle: "small" }); });See also
Name | Type | Summary |
dark-gray | Object | The Dark Gray Canvas basemap is designed to be used as a soothing background map for overlaying and focus attention on other map layers. |
dark-gray-vector | Object | The Dark Gray Canvas [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. |
gray | Object | The Light Gray Canvas basemap is designed to be used as a neutral background map for overlaying and emphasizing other map layers. |
gray-vector | Object | The Light Gray Canvas [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a neutral background style with minimal colors, labels, and features. |
hybrid | Object | The World Imagery with Labels map is a detailed imagery map layer and labels that is designed to be used as a basemap for various maps and applications: |
national-geographic | Object | The National Geographic basemap is designed to be used as a general reference map for informational and educational purposes: |
oceans | Object | The Ocean Basemap is designed to be used as a basemap by marine GIS professionals and as a reference map by anyone interested in ocean data. |
osm | Object | The OpenStreetMap is a community map layer that is designed to be used as a basemap for various maps and applications. |
satellite | Object | The World Imagery map is a detailed imagery map layer that is designed to be used as a basemap for various maps and applications: |
streets | Object | The Streets basemap presents a multiscale street map for the world: |
streets-navigation-vector | Object | The World Navigation Map [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a custom navigation map style. |
streets-night-vector | Object | The World Street Map (Night) [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a custom "night time" street map style. |
streets-relief-vector | Object | The World Street Map (with Relief) [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri street map style designed for use with a relief map. |
streets-vector | Object | The World Street Map [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri street map style. |
terrain | Object | The Terrain with Labels basemap is designed to be used to overlay and emphasize other thematic map layers. |
topo | Object | The Topographic map includes boundaries, cities, water features, physiographic features, parks, landmarks, transportation, and buildings: |
topo-vector | Object | The World Topographic Map [v2] vector tile layer provides a detailed basemap for the world featuring a classic Esri topographic map style designed for use with a relief map. |
> dark-grayObject
> dark-gray-vectorObject
> grayObject
> gray-vectorObject
> hybridObject
> national-geographicObject
> oceansObject
> osmObject
> satelliteObject
> streetsObject
> streets-navigation-vectorObject
> streets-night-vectorObject
> streets-relief-vectorObject
> streets-vectorObject
> terrainObject
> topoObject
> topo-vector